Year : 2020

media : Conceptutal art + 3D

I have been always concerning about the relationship between human beings and the natural environment. I asked myself these following questions: In the future, will the existing forms of plants disappear due to the destruction of the environment? Assuming that I made a robotic plant, which has the same functions as a normal plant, could it be called a plant? Or could I warn the world by imagining the shape of plants after being contaminated? I conducted research around these issues. During this period, the concept of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Good Omens gave me inspiration. I combined this concept and extracted four points between human development and the environment based on real problems: resources, desire, cherish, and war. I presented these four meanings separately by modeling. The reason why I chose plants as the outcome is that plants are closely related to the environment and the four points. In addition, the audience would relate to this work easier and understand the meaning better.

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The abuse of resources causes scarcity of resources; people destroy the environment for their own desires, resulting in declining environment; but it is ridiculous that people spend a large amount of money and time to protect these precious natural sceneries; when the resources are running out, and the environment declines, people start wars for resources.


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